Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentines Day

Dear Reader(s),
Happy Valentines Day! I hope you all have a fabulous day and you spend it surrounded by people you love, or how I will be spending it- watching Netflix and eating pizza and then going to work.  

I talked to my best friend today, and seeing her relationship take off the way it has warms the cockles of my heart tremendously. I wish they could be together for Valentines Day, but I know they'll make up for lost time when they both get home. 
Curtis and I have been together five years , and decided that from now on we eat Valentines dinner the night before and spend the actual holiday at home snuggling and stuff away from everyone else. 
I think that kinda proves how introverted we are. People make us- or make me, at least- SUPER uncomfortable. And I still don't really know why that is. I'm just more comfortable alone in my room. 
Meh. Regardless. Have a great day! 

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