Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Writing Therapy and YOU GUYS!

Hey Reader(s)!
This is going to be short, sweet, and full of me blubbering like an imbecile.
You've been warned.
So, my third post entitled "Too Awkward to Function" got more than 73,000 +1s. I still refuse to believe that many people actually read the post. It seems surreal. But thank you so so so much to the people that did! I apologize again for how choppy and hard it is to understand, but that's what I'm trying to fix. I cannot vocalize my thoughts or feelings properly, in writing or in speech, because I'm out of practice. I haven't had to do it in such a long time I seriously think I've forgotten how. So, step up to the plate grammar nazis and critics galore! I fully intend to keep writing! What better way than getting critiqued by strangers? My genuine hopes for this blog is that it will help me communicate things better. Or at least get me started on the right path. So please, give all the constructive criticism you want. I will take it gratefully.

I hope to see you all in the next one. Please feel free to comment on any post anytime.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Too Awkward To Function

Dear Reader(s),
You have probably figured out from the last two posts that I am not a natural writer. My sentences, aside from being grammatical catastrophes, have a very odd flow. My wording is too wordy and confusing, I spurt from subject to subject randomly with absolutely no transition. Heck, you might be reading a paragraph about houses and then BOOM- random sentence about beavers. If it hasn't  happened already, consider this a warning for the foreseeable future: it will.
The thing is, it's not just my writing that's choppy and hard to follow. That's how I talk.I stumble on words and occasionally the entirely wrong word will come out in place of the one I wanted. My mother has told me it's because my brain is processing faster than I can speak.I wasn't always this way. I used to talk to everyone about everything with no problem, but I've gotten older it's gotten progressively worse. In 2010, I could look into the eyes of a total stranger and we could have the greatest conversation about anything under the sun. Now if I were to bump into a stranger, not only would I go out of my way not to create any opening for conversation, it would be pain painstakingly obvious, I've reviewed old social media conversations and asked friends for their input, and the verdict is in. At eighteen, I became too awkward to function.
It would be one thing if I just stumbled now and then. Stumbling is fine. Anime has deemed stumbling adorable. But it's not just occasionally, it's almost twenty-four seven. And the more casual I try to be, the worse it gets. The more I stutter and sound like a raving lunatic. At times it's so bad, I've had people stop me mid sentence and tell me to rephrase everything. It's especially bad when I'm talking to strangers or I'm at the store. Oh, lord. It's at it's all time worst in two situations:
A) Checking out at a store.
"Ma'am, would you like paper or plastic?"
..."That didn't answer the question."
B) Ordering food
It's gotten so bad in restaurants, my boyfriend will get my order and tell the waitress for me because otherwise it takes me two minutes to get my order out. On top of the stuttering mumbling mess that is my speech, I'm indecisive, so after I actually manage to say what I mean, I'll change my mind. The very thought of going to Subway stresses me out. Too. Many. Options.

What do you guys do when you're feeling awkward? Do you have issues communicating with others? Join the club, we're getting jackets! :D
That last statement was a lie. I'm poor and can't afford club jackets.

Thanks for reading, lovelies! See you in the next one.

Monday, December 1, 2014

First Blog Post Ever

    Dear Readers,
  I feel the title explains why this entry will be so poorly written- this is my very first blog post ever. Yay!!! Pop the corks on the champagne bottles (or Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice in my case, as I'm not legal yet) and prepare to read what I hope is not the blandest thing ever! Please excuse the letter format, I just feel more comfortable with it. As though I'm writing a letter to a pen pal instead of an article on the internet that tons of people could see. I don't know if it makes sense to you, but I hope it does. So, let's get started, shall we?
     My name is Dee M. Nichol, and I am nineteen years old. I started this blog in hopes of writing daily, if not weekly, about my life. I used to write in those bound composition books every day- poems, diary entries, doodles, short stories, essays- stuff like that. For some reason after I graduated high school, I just stopped. I don't know why, and after almost two years of being out of school, I'm ready to hop back on the horse and give it another go.
      I'm from Leeton, Missouri- an antique little farm town with a population of  almost seven hundred people. That may not seem like much, and believe me- it's not. Because of how small the town is, there are no secrets anywhere. Everyone knows everything about everyone. Open and for the most part, a really nice place to live. I lived there until my first year of high school, and then we moved two hours north to a larger, yet equally quaint farming town called New Franklin. Why is it "New" Franklin, you might (not) be thinking? Well, I'll tell you!
  Originally, there was Franklin, Missouri. Booming with trade and farming in the 1820's, the town was built on a river bed- low level ground right next to the Missouri River. The flood of 1827 demolished Franklin, sending it's residents packing to build on higher ground. Hence why "New " Franklin is so "New". Hahaha.
 I thought that was clever...I guess I should stop now.

Apologies that the post was so short, but thank you so much for reading to this point! I promise to do better in the future. Have a splendid day, dears!