Monday, January 23, 2017

Two Years Later?


Hey Guys,
Long time, no talk. I honestly didn't realize how long its been since I opened this site. Looking back at old posts makes me want to cringe out of my skin. I've always said I'm not a strong writer, and these posts are more than sufficient evidence of that. Not only is my grammar atrocious, my posts are all over the place. There's no structure. If my blog were a house, and the posts were the beams of support, my "house" would be a pile of  "sticks". Not only would it be a pile of sticks, it would be a pile of sticks I wouldn't recognize now. I have changed so much in the last two years. I honestly don't feel like the same person anymore.

Curtis, my boyfriend, has told me multiple times that I should start writing again. He has asked me to start writing again, be it blog posts or stories or scenarios for my favorite game Call of Cthulhu. So, as one of the only 2017 resolutions I made, I have decided to write something at the very least twice a month. I think that is manageable (I say at the end of the month). Honestly, this is the resolution I've been afraid of the most. I'm out of practice with writing. I haven't had to write properly or formally for a very long time. Writing is like any other skill you learn. If you don't use it, you lose it. I've noticed my vocabulary has diminished, That's something else I need to work on. I'm thinking of doing a "Word of the Day" blog post. Define the word, look at it's origin, use it once in a post.  It'll keep me honest about doing it.

I think that will do as a "Welcome back" to writing. Obviously a lot has happened in the last two years, but I'm not going to write a long blog post about it. Especially since I only have two people reading this, occasionally. Thank you for those of you who do read, I appreciate it.

Word of the day: sockeroo, 1940-1945; Americanism; noun. A noticeable success, something with extraordinary power and impact.

Well, this blog isn't much of a sockeroo but hopefully, it will be soon.

Talk to you later,