Friday, April 17, 2015

Mary Margaret Carr

This post is going to be brief. 
Not really. That's a complete lie. 
I'm writing this post (an ode if you'd like) for my best friend of more than thirteen years, Ms. Mary Margaret Carr. 

If I had to pick between you and Johnny Depp (yes, I know he's forty something and wears guyliner like it's still 2007, don't judge me) as a best friend, I would only slightly hesitate before picking you. 

No one could be as patient and hilarious as you while also being so strong and determined. It only seems like yesterday we met at school and the first thing out of your mouth was "Oh DeAnne...your hair."  You never made fun of the homemade skirts and dresses, never judged the year of (God forgive me) crocs, and were the first to jump on board and come up with theories for "The Mermaid Equation". 

To call you loyal is an understatement. From tying sisters to trees, tackling kids into drum sets to protect my honor, and breaking into pools "ya know, just because", you've leapt over mountains and beyond to make me happy, no matter how uncomfortable it may have made you. You have been there for me through every problem I've ever had, and you've never questioned me about my judgement in the presence of others. You wait until we're alone to call me out on my behavior, which I appreciate and respect. 

You're so hard on yourself, Mare, and it's heartbreaking. You did everything you could. Lee knows that. She'd hit you if she knew how badly you're blaming yourself for not doing more, not being there more. She love you, Mare. And no distance will change that.

Okay. God. Sorry, tearing up.  Back to topic at hand. At some point, you stopped being a best friend and became an adopted sister.  You're family. Really, you always have been, always will be. And that is something I never have to question. Similarly to how you have always been there for me, I will always be there for you. You're the only companion I'd ever need. You're the Jon Snow to my Sam, the merkin to my HBO. 

Though you conveniently forgot to pack me when you embarked on your amazing adventure halfway around the world (which I've decide do forgive you for, you're welcome) I feel like I'm almost living them with you. You always include pictures and make sure to point stuff out to me! 

I guess what I'm trying to say, Mary Margaret, is that you are utterly fantastic. I could not ask any existing Deity for a better best friend. And as we embark on different journies and travels in our lives, leaving our teens behind and becoming women, I could not think of a better person to end my "teens" with. Thank you so much for being born and being a part of my life.

Happy Birthday Mary. I love you! 
Your Matching Radius buddy,

P.S. And because you know I'm terrible with timing, your presents late. It's worth waiting for, though, promise. ;) Here's a hint: It's edible.